Odor 1: Professional-Grade CL02 Odor- and Stain-Removing Lineup

Odor 1 produces a complete line of chlorine dioxide (CL02) products to meet all odor- and stain-removal needs. These solutions are safe, effective, and permanent—odors will not come back unless reintroduced. They leave no residue, VOCs, or carcinogens and are safe to use on all materials. Plus, they break down into a salt water solution, so they’re safe for the environment. A variety of Odor 1 products is available, a few of which are described below:

  • Premium: Fast-acting odor remover is stronger than anything else on the market.
  • Advanced: Same as Premium, but with a different release system and not as strong. Available in bulk.
  • SR10: Extreme spot stain and odor remover for fabrics.
  • OR6: Travel-sized spray removes biological messes, wine, skunk spray, smoke, and more from carpet and rugs.

Odor 1 Premium Series Auto

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Though this is not a paid review, this content has been produced by The AAM Group in support of manufacturers with whom it has a business relationship.